Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory Related to Health (Part 1)

17-12-17 Fang (Supplement to Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Liang of Gold). 1. Sun Simiao's books passed...

In China, A Successful AIDS Lawsuit Stands in Contrast to the State’s Treatment of AIDS Patients

17-12-17 then reached out to both the Chengdu and the provincial disease control center. They still had Ouyang’s...

  Emperor Kangxi - A Master of Pen and Sword

17-12-15 Supreme Court; and the Prime Minister. There were also officials to record the emperor's daily...

今年冬天降雪多 一月会有大寒流

17-12-15 【看中国讯】国家广播电视台华盛顿首席气象学家(NBC Washington’s chief meteorologist) 凯美任(Doug Kammerer)的最新气象预测显示,今年冬天会 比去年...


17-12-07 【看中国讯】美国连锁药店巨头CVS Health将以690亿美元的高价,收购美国第三大保险公司安泰保险(Aetna),据路透社报导,这是美国今年最大的公司收购案例。资料显示,CVS是美国最大的药品...

  Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 2)

17-12-08 : "Oh, Feng (Ji Feng, King Cheng’s uncle), you must remember! Now the Yin people of the Shang Dynasty...

  About Chinese History

17-12-08 historians dating back to even during the Yellow Emperor's (Huangdi) time around 2600 BC. Ju Song and...

美众议员提出法案   欲严惩庇护非法移民官员

17-12-07 也表达了对“凯特法律”(Kate’s Law)的支持,该法以斯坦莱( Steinle)枪杀案受害者的名字命名,会对再次进入美国的被驱逐者实行更严格的处罚。  已被5次驱逐回墨西哥的非法移民扎拉特...


17-12-07 ,股东还要付所得税或增值税。“通过型”公司(如Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, LLC, S Corporation)的收入则直接算成股东自己的收入。众议院不但将通过型...

Beijing Eviction of ‘Low-Class’ Population Spreads to Other Chinese Cities

17-12-05 residents out of the city’s suburbs in the past few weeks, the trend of clearing out what the Chinese regime...

In China, Investigation of 8 Banking Executives Exposes Widespread Corruption

17-12-05 business news publication Caixin on Nov. 28.Cai was also stripped of his other position, as the bank’s...


17-11-30 ,可谓纽约曼哈顿一道亮丽的风景线。每年都会增添纽约喜气洋洋、如梦如幻的节日气氛。五大道的Bergdorf Goodman,Saks,Tiffany,当然还有34街的Macy’s 等等,都各施才华与创意...

网络购物冲击   全美1/4商场5年内或消失?

17-12-02 比2008年美国经济衰退时的峰值6200家还多。这份长长的名单中不乏一堆的业内老牌。传统的购物中心如梅西百货(Macy’s)、杰西潘尼(JCPenny)和西尔斯(Sears),在今年已经陆续宣布关闭很多分店...


17-11-30 。8.林肯中心冬之夜 Winter's Eve at Lincoln Center圣诞树上的LED灯即将亮起,圣诞节的气氛已然来到。今年林肯中心的冬之夜活动,为纽约每年第一个大型的圣诞树点灯活动...


17-12-01 梅西百货店(Macy's)(Ben Schumin/CC BY-SA)【看中国讯】由于电商亚马逊的不断扩张,美国零售业受到很大冲击。尤其是知名的梅西百货(Macy’s),因其业绩不佳而连续...


17-12-01 成为信用债市场最大的“雷区”,众多的金融机构将接连“踩雷”。今年5月,国际三大信用评级机构之一的穆迪公司(Moody’s)近20年来首次下调了中国的信用评级。穆迪表示,降级反映穆迪对未来中期中国偿还债务实力...

纽约地铁饱受诟病  MTA收入取之于民并未用之于民

17-11-30 ”(Manhattan Institute)最近公布的一份名为《不光是钱的问题——重新思考MTA的基础设施》(Not by Money Alone——Rethinking the MTA’s Infrastructure...


17-12-02 , Song would absolutely be conquered by Chu. Mozi felt he had a responsibility to safeguard Song's...

Chinese Artist Draws Cartoon About China’s Kindergarten Abuse That Resonates With Netizens

17-12-02 Guo’s cartoon, reposted by retired Chinese tennis star Li Na. (Screenshot via Weibo)Allegations of...

Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 1)

17-12-02  Shang Shu (“Classic of History”) is a book of recorded history of China's remote ages. It is...

Former Clinton Foundation Executive Tied to Chinese Kindergartens Investigated for Child Abuse

17-12-02 as an independent director. Getz was president of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City and is...

连锁按摩店Massage Envy员工涉嫌猥亵客户

17-11-28 小于实际的问题数量。有些代表受害人的律师透露,许多妇女向警方报案后,该公司就私下提出和解,没有任何逮捕的纪录或诉讼案件。Massage Envy连锁公司的法律总监梅兰妮.汉森(Melanie...

“水果姐”被拒签  无缘上海维密秀

17-11-25 凯蒂・佩里2010年在维密秀(图片来源:Getty Images)【看中国讯】美国内衣品牌维多利亚的秘密(Victoria's Secret),将于11月28日在中国上海举行2017年大秀...


17-11-25 的《共产主义的血腥世纪》(Communism's Bloody Century)也具体的提到了这一点。斯蒂芬‧考特金是普林斯顿大学的历史与国际事务教授。他强调: “共产主义以消除市场和私有财产为目标...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 2)

17-11-25 , what will you answer? It's better that you return to Shu." Zhao Xiong agreed. The next day...

Western Universities Are Getting Chinese Communist Party Organizations on Campus—in China and at Home

17-11-25 Times report. Each organization’s Party secretary will be given vice-chancellor status and a seat on the...

Pop Music Is Okay, but No Politics: Communist China Bans Katy Perry for Expressing her Opinions—With a Dress

17-11-25 )ShareTweetShareEmail    Pop singer Katy Perry was scheduled to perform at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in...

A Virtuous Emperor During the Zhenguan Period

17-11-24 serious about governing by law. He once said, "The laws are not set up by the emperor’s family. They...


17-11-24 4K智能电视、1000针奢华床单、芭比娃娃以及一些厨房小家电有半价折扣。 Kohls感恩节下午5点开放,开门大抢购的网上优惠将在11月23日东部时间凌晨1点。消费者花200美元可买到...


17-11-22 达文西画的一副耶稣像于11月15日以$4.5亿美元在纽约的克里斯蒂(Christie's)拍卖会上售出。当拍卖成交,锤子敲下时,现场一片哗然。这幅画作$4亿美金的叫价(加上佣金总价估计为...


17-11-21 。乘客还应该考虑使用绿线地铁,如西海特斯威尔(West Hyattsville)和乔治王子广场(Prince George’s Plaza)站。 在特温布鲁克,乔治王子广场,学院公园(College...


17-11-21 【看中国讯】华盛顿DC最受欢迎的节日景点之一 -史密森尼国家动物园 (Smithsonian’s National Zoo) 节日彩灯展,今年将在11月24日到2018年1月1日 之间每天晚上5时至...

Be Clear about Cause and Effect: Good Will Be Rewarded with Good (Part 1)

17-11-21 that one's fate, whether it be misfortune or blessings, were all connected to karma, and all...

Tesla Model 3电池技术问题未解  产量陷入瓶颈

17-11-20 亿美元,股价盘后因而重挫近5%。不过第三季度营业额上升30%,达到29.8亿美元。Model 3被寄予厚望。它售价仅有3.5万美元,是特斯拉旗舰车型、昂贵的Model S价格的一半。按照计划,特斯拉明年...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 using political labels.It’s in this environment that O’Keefe has chosen to use a sometimes controversial...

Mistress Classes and Mistress Dispellers the Latest Trends in China’s Marriages

17-11-20 the existence of the Chinese regime’s hukou, or household registration system, which is often likened...

假日购物季期 美国多家商号、 连锁商城竞相 提供免运费优惠

17-11-18 【看中国讯】假日购物季期间,美国多家商号、连锁商城竞相提供免运费优惠闻名遐迩的“免运费”电商巨擘亚马逊再推更多免运费优惠,引得各大连锁商城、超市跟进,2017的假日购物季再次提高购销热度,其势要冲破...

MantisTek GK2键盘偷用户资料 数据传回中国

17-11-17 【看中国讯】一款海外热销的中国制机械键盘“MantisTek GK2”,被爆有内建记录程式,并将把资料传回中国阿里巴巴旗下的伺服器。根据“Tom's硬体指南”报导,多名使用者在网路论坛...


17-11-16。3. 梅西百货感恩节游行 Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade (看中國圖片)一如既往,第90届Macy's百货感恩节大游行,将于感恩节早上在曼哈顿...

Xu Xun: Seek to Understand the Tao, Establish Virtue and Help Others (Part 2)

17-11-11 , “After you went to Jingyang, there have been non-stop flooding in the Nanchang area. People say that it’s...